Author name: gotechis

The horrors of .pcqq ransomware attack – solution and prevention

The horrors of .pcqq ransomware attack

What is Ransomware? Ransomware is one of the most questioned cyber-attack these days. It is a type of malware (malware or malicious software is a set of harmful computer programs such as Trojans, worms etc. that attack your computer and gain access to your sensitive information). Attackers encrypt the user’s data and ask for a […]

The horrors of .pcqq ransomware attack – solution and prevention Read More »

Tesla Roadster could become the fastest car ever thanks to a SpaceX kit

Tesla Roadster

Tesla Roadster: Tesla, one of the world’s biggest electric car makers is currently leading the manufacturing of electric cars around the world. As the concept of the electric car is getting much more attention all around the world, the automobile industries are in competition with one another in the manufacturing of electric cars. Tesla’s CEO

Tesla Roadster could become the fastest car ever thanks to a SpaceX kit Read More »

Electric school bus companies are disrupting school transportation in the United States.

Electric school bus companies are disrupting school transportation in the United States.

The massive transformation of conventional combustion vehicles to electric vehicles has urged many organizations and firms to convert their vehicles to electric vehicles. The ongoing trend of electric vehicles all around the world has very significant in many aspects. Currently, the TESLA CEO ELON MUSK leads this campaign of converting combustion vehicles to the most

Electric school bus companies are disrupting school transportation in the United States. Read More »

Chernobyl is seeing a Neutron Surge. It has the potential to trigger a nuclear meltdown.

Chernobyl is seeing a Neutron Surge

More neutrons are being emitted from an inaccessible chamber in Chernobyl, which could lead to a runaway nuclear reaction. Humanity’s mastery of the atom is one of our greatest technological achievements Using small amounts of fuel we can produce incredible amounts of energy however this process also creates some very nasty waste products this waste

Chernobyl is seeing a Neutron Surge. It has the potential to trigger a nuclear meltdown. Read More »